Pet Photography - Theme Relaxing

December 15, 2017  •  5 Comments

This week's them for our "Project 52" Pet Photography is 'relaxing'.  This particular theme brings thoughts of dogs laying in the sun or perhaps sleeping as that is when most of my dogs are most relaxed.  Our featured dog this week is Cody and he is a beautiful hound dog who loves his stuff animals.  In these portraits, he is laying down with one of his stuff animals tucked under his chin.

For more 'relaxing' pet photographs head over to visit I Got the Shot Photography, serving Northeastern PA and surrounding areas and then head around the rest of the blog circle until you end up back here.

If you would like to book a custom pet portrait session, send an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 813-610-2671 in the Tampa Bay area (Florida).


How peaceful and content he looks with that toy to cuddle up with! I love those puppy eyes!
Awww, Sapphire does the same thing with her toys tooo
Kim Hollis(non-registered)
Oh my gosh, what a sweet face. I just want to kiss him.
A boy and his teddy, how sweet. Lovely focus on the eyes.
I just love Cody's eyes and the fact that he lays on his toys. Our guys know all the places in the house where the sun shines through and they gravitate to those spots if the sun is out to sprawl out in the warmth during winter. :)
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