Getaway from it all....

July 29, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I've got to say that things have definitely changed over the years. I remember when I used to go to small out of the way places just to make sure I didn't have cell phone service.  A few decades ago, we started going to the Suwannee River - first it was a friend's place with no amenities - just a place along the river to pitch your tent.  Then to another friend's place where he actually built an outhouse, showers, etc for all the friends that came up to camp out.  Now, we go to another place along the Suwannee with family - and it's just a wonderful place to get away from it all.  

We had the opportunity to run up there for a brief visit recently - for Jimbo it was a return to a place he hadn't been to in a couple of years.  For Abby, Ollie and Rue - it was their first visit.  Jimbo remembered it - I found him snoozing on the bed in the room we used to sleep in.  Our dog family has gotten a little big for that room now - but for Jimbo, it was a place to 'get away from the girls'.

Here's the view from our balcony just after sunrise.  Course, it's summer, so everything is green.  It's a nice time to relax and remember all the good times we have had over the last couple of decades - most often I am the first one up, this morning was no exception - only I was out numbered by the dogs.  When I first came here it was Dolly and I getting up early.  Then Jimbo and I going out for the early walk. And now well, it's Jimbo, Abby, Ollie and Rue!  I'll have to capture some photographs of the girls up here on the next visit, it was pretty busy during the 24 hours we were there and I didn't make that happen this trip.

A previous visit shortly after the sunrise.....

And in the winter (January), their is often fog on the river banks....

For as long as I can remember, this white gazebo with a green roof has been the landmark to find their place when on the water.  This place is now up for sale, a beautiful piece of property with a good number of acres for those with some cash.

If I reach back in time, our first dog, Dolly, loved going up to the river because it was a great dog place - no leashes while on the property and plenty of space to run and have fun.  Course, we were always careful because there are gators and other critters out - so definitely be mindful!

And Dolly having fun (I'm not sure if any of our dogs we have now would do this, but the dune buggy has long since been retired and is now gone) catching a ride with Jim.

So much for memories, I hope that you too have a great place to get away from it all.  Cell phone service is pretty good here now - but you can ignore it if you want to.  You're still a good distance from any store and definitely on your own once you go to the remote areas where the Suwannee River flows...



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