Pet Photography - Theme Orange

October 06, 2017  •  3 Comments

Week 40 of the Pet Photography Blog Circle - this week's theme is "Orange".  I have to admit, my first thought was pumpkins! I guess it is because it is now the beginning of October and it has been a bit breezy and cooler!  Wow, maybe it is actually becoming a little bit like fall although I know we will not see any fall colors in our trees.  I found a pumpkin patch in Hyde Park, so we went there to capture some pumpkin photographs.  This experience was definitely interesting as the traffic was a mess trying to get there (I have to wonder how anyone gets to work in our city).  Then we arrived to find that Hyde Park is getting a very big makeover and there is a ton of construction going on down there.  Lastly, we were mid-morning and delivery trucks were dropping off things and well, it didn't make for capturing the attention of either of our dogs - to many loud noises and things going on.

Here's Abby with the pumpkins.

Dog sitting with bunch of pumpkinsDog sitting with bunch of pumpkinsA dog sitting in front of a bunch of pumpkins. As we walked around Hyde Park I noticed that a large number of the bricks were orange - time for a few more photos!  Abby jumped up on the bench, but then getting her to stay there became another bit of a push-pull relationship between us as I tried to get her to stay and she figured there wasn't anything to see, so why?

We did take Jimbo with us, but the more I try to 'force photograph' him, the more I realize he just doesn't want to be a model.  It is starting to remind me of my photo sessions with Dolly so many years ago when I was first starting with pet photography - she didn't want to do it anymore and wanted me to find other models!

As I thought more about this week's theme, I also remembered that cats come in the color Orange....but why they are called "Red Tabby" I don't know.  This is a friend's cat and she is beautiful with her bright orange fur and green eyes.

For more 'orange' pet photographs head over to visit Rochelle from Dark Sapphire Pet Photography, Nelson, New Zealand and then head around the rest of the blog circle until you end up back here.

If you would like to book a custom pet portrait session, send an email to [email protected] or give us a call at 813-610-2671 in the Tampa Bay area (Florida).


Love the image of Abby with all those pumpkins! These are all great! Jimbo has the sweetest face :)
Those are some impressive pumpkins! Your reluctant model is still gorgeous! Such a sweet face he has!
That second shot of Jimbo is stunning! Well done; it can be such a challenge to photograph a dog who just isn't feeling it.
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