Pet Photography - Theme 'Wide Open'

August 10, 2018  •  2 Comments

This week's theme for pet photography is 'Wide Open'.  At first you may wonder what exactly this means.  In the world of photography, this means that the camera is set up to have a shallow depth of field, a larger aperture (or f-stop).  The easiest way for me to remember when explaining whether an aperture is small (f/22) or large (f/2) is to think about the aperture as a fraction.  For example if you are given 1/2 of a pie - wouldn't that slice of pie be much larger than if you got 1/22 of a pie? The widest aperture is dependent on the lens used on the camera.  For these photographs, a Nikon 70-200, f/4 lens was utilized - with f/4 being the widest aperture.

Typically, this long haired orange tabby has long fur.  The owner gives her a 'lion fur cut' during the summer months as she seems to prefer having a lighter fur coat during the hot summer days (even though she is an indoor kitty).  The focal point is on the eye closest to the camera - always the best place to focus if the subject has eyes.  The background and body of the cat goes into a soft blur.  For the photography people out there, the focal length was set to 160mm on the 70-200 lens. f/4.

The next photograph, taken at 200mm, f/4 using the same lens. Natural light used for the photograph with a large window source coming from the left of the photo (the cat's right side).

For more pet photographers sharing their take on this theme, head over to visit   Elaine Tweedy, I Got the Shot Pet Photography, serving Northeastern PA and surrounding areas and then head around the rest of the blog circle.

If you would like to book a custom pet portrait session, send an email to [email protected] or give us a call/text at 813-610-2671 in the Tampa Bay area (Florida).


Tracy Allard(non-registered)
We did all go to the cats this week didn't we? Beautiful images; I love the muted color palette, it really makes the eyes pop.
Love your second image. Such lovely eyes. Interesting to find many cats in this week's blog postings.
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