The word is "Climb"

July 23, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

This week's photographs feature stairs as a way of conveying the word 'climb'.  Definitely something that many of us did when we were young children, we climbed trees, jungle gyms, stairs and probably a lot of other things.  As I get older, I can't say that I have climbed a tree in a good while, but stairs are still something that I do on the trails, gym and buildings.  

This stairway is at a local building and has been digitally processed - what does it make you think of?

The next stairway we were climbing down and with a dog and a backpack, I wasn't sure I was going to fit by the time we got to the bottom.  I took the backpack off and made it through.  This is at Ceasar's Head park in South Carolina.

The last stair photograph is stairs made of stone that we came across as we were hiking.  There comes a time when we begin to groan as this is not the first time we find steps on the trail.  Our older dog, Jimbo, was having some issues with steps - so eventually we turned back because I don't think it was fair to Jimbo nor did I want to try and figure out how to carry a seventy pound dog.  We have since put him on a new supplement that has helped him greatly and he likes it too!

So that's what I think of now when I see the word "Climb" but I am sure there are many different things that can make people think of this word.  What comes to mind for you?




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