Just over a week ago, we were being pounded with rain and lots of it too. Then we got the joy of no electricity for a day but all things have gone back to normal this week. This week has been a busy week of photographing rescue dogs. It's hard work! Actually, it's fun work playing with the dogs and working to get some great photographs to help them find their forever homes. All of these dogs are with Maxx and Me Rescue where Jim and I are volunteering our photography services. We photographed puppies (4-7 months of age) and seniors this week. Senior dogs that is, not high school seniors :)
Sweets is an older female dog and was quite challenging for a little while, then she finally got the hang of it. This photograph was captured after wandering around with her for the better part of 30-45 minutes.
Rosie - senior female dog took right to our bean bag 'chair' and had a ball romping and playing on it. We put the blue blanket over the bean bag and she decided it was the perfect place to lay down. The bean bag we use for our dog Jimbo when he goes boating with us but it's works great as a prop for our dog photographs.
Blondie - female puppy about 4 months of age loved laying on the patio deck at her foster's home. I've never seen a dog that has one ear that folds down floppy and one that stands up straight - but now I have - she is great with children and other dogs. Sweet personality and we enjoyed playing with her during the photography session.
Dagwood - male puppy, about 4 months old. He was quite a character and the first of four dogs we photographed at one foster. Dagwood turned out to be quite a ham for the camera and made it easy to get great photographs of him.
As we played with him, he gave us a high five! I think he enjoyed all the attention he was getting and just loved being photographed.
Abby - female, about 40 pounds, is six to seven months old. At the moment, this girl is our foster dog. We planned to be her transportation, but she had began to show signs of kennel cough and wasn't able to go to the kennel. So, she is currently here with Jim, Jimbo and I. And to be fair, the cats have been great with her - Abby doesn't mind cats at all - Dillon and Angel don't seem to mind her and Torie, well - she is getting used to her now that she has been here for a day. Torie still considers Jimbo her buddy as he was the deciding factor on her getting adopted by us a few years ago.
Our last foster of this week is Sugar. She found her forever home and will be living in South Carolina. An outgoing, curious, fun-loving dog - her new home should be perfect for her and we wish her the best in life.
Until next time.
Here's the link for Maxx and Me Dog Rescue http://maxxandme.org/ they are also on facebook for those of you that are facebook friends.