Rustic Steel Creations - "Ironworks"

May 15, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

This past week we visited a local business called Rustic Steel Creations that builds art work from scrap metal.  It's amazing!  The owner/CEO, Dominique Martinez, has created incredible things from scrap metal.  Here's a few quick photos from this photography trip - most of these items (if not all) are at the work location 'full time'.

We arrived to see this dog sitting in a jeep outside.  Looks like he has been waiting for his owner for a while, he is getting a little rusty.

As we walk into the office, I noticed this dog laying by the couch.

Yes, they do make more than dogs with the scrap metal, just I like dogs and was intrigued by them.  Several employees were working on projects onsite.  We wore safety goggles to protect our eyes - this made taking the pictures a little interesting - for this photo, I switched to live view and composed it.  I snapped the photo quickly when the torch was lit up.

Another very large creature onsite is this scorpion. The tail has some painting to providing color, but many of the pieces of artwork are chrome without any other colors.


Until Next Time,

Linda Perdue, VPShoots Photography


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