Baby Doll

November 22, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

A recent photo shoot provided the opportunity to take a picture of a few 'toys' belonging to young girls in the past.  Classic toys "baby and crib" and "doll house".  The baby crib is an American original that is now many decades old but has now found new life with a new owner.  In order to take this photo, I placed the baby crib on our wood floor and used a standard ceiling fan light to light the doll and crib (overhead lighting).  Using the Nikon 24-70 lens on a tripod, I framed the picture to include enough of the baby crib along with the doll to provide this portrait.

After taking many different pictures of the doll house, I finally settled on this particular 'room' in the doll house.  Using Nik Color Efex 4, "Midnight" effect, this picture is given a dark atmosphere removing from the overall picture distracting elements not adding to picture.  The window looks as if there are many stains showing, the crooked dresser along with the simple, rough staircase to the next story of the house all work together to provide a scene suggested mystery.showing seams where the doll house was put together with many pieces.




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