What do these buildings have in common? (Downtown St. Petersburg, Florida)

May 08, 2017  •  1 Comment

Over the last few weeks we have traveled over to St. Petersburg and stopped over in the downtown area.  We walked down Central and then sat down to eat at a dog friendly restaurant, Urban Comfort. The Urban Comfort opens at 11 for lunch - they have great food.  Jim noticed something about the building - it had a prior life before it became this restaurant.  After eating, we noticed that several other buildings also had previous lives.  This shouldn't be hard - but do you see what these buildings were in the past?  This one is the most obvious to me.

This one is kinda cool as they have maintained a lot of the original structure.

Here's another one, haven't been to this place for food - but many of these places aren't open before 11am.

And the last one - apparently they are getting ready for the IGLTA as there were lots of different signs and rainbows throughout the area.

So - did you figure it out?  If so, let us know - either by posting a comment to this blog or mentioning on our facebook page.

We'd love to see who is actually reading the blog entries :)

Until next time, 




Sue Segobiano(non-registered)
Were they old gas stations? Hi btw!!
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